
Clutter in the Shower

I'm a girl and therefore have a great need for several things in the shower.   The shampoo and conditioner is a given.  But what about the deep conditioner and the shaving gel.  Don't forget the leave in conditioner and the list goes on and on.  I very much disliked the clutter that accumulated in my shower.  I happened upon this basket.  The thing that is necessary about a basket in a shower is that it HAS TO HAVE holes.  It's got to have a way to drain.  I looked several places before I found this one at the dollar store.  I bought one for my shower, the kids shower and the tub toys.  No more clutter.


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Chip Clips....

Chip Clips....
I have a daughter that has many ribbons for her hair that go with specific outfits. To cut down on search time, I discovered these chip bag clips. They work GREAT for clipping the hair clip to the exact outfit. They don't crease the bows either! I found these at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

No more "Mom, I can't find the right bow!"

No more "Mom, I can't find the right bow!"
The clips are great for specific bows to matching outfits, but what about all the other bows for the other things??? This is a magnetic strip. It holds several bows, therefore eliminating a cluttered drawer. It hangs on the wall, either in a bedroom or even the side of a closet. The bows are easily found and not wrinkled when needed. My daughter can even put them away.

Does your bow drawer look like this?

Does your bow drawer look like this?

This is magnetic board that the hair clips clip right onto. It's hung right next to my daughter's closet so when she picks out an outfit, she can grab a matching bow.